Vernissage The Dangers Of Wisdom

In the course of the Month of Performance Art Berlin 2012
Exhibition: 11-19 May, 2012
Vernissage: 11 May 2012 6-10 pm - Performances from 7 pm

Marjorie Toussaint 

Delphine Marinier
Video installation

Performance project M4P with various performers:
- Nancy Banfi
- Marielle kleyn Winkel
- Ellinor Ljungkvist
- Patricia Woltmann

“Only a god hungry for imperfection in himself and outside himself, only a harrowed god could imagine creation; only so unquiet a being can pretend to a similar operation. If, among the factors of infertility, wisdom comes first, it is because it endeavors to reconcile us with the world and with ourselves, it is the greatest misfortune that can fall over our ambitions and talents, it makes them wise, in other words it kills them […].”
Emil M. Cioran, The Fall Into Time (extract)

Any revolution, be it political, cultural or artistic, is the result of a denial of wisdom, a refusal to submit to silent but oppressively established standards, a willingness to break with the world and with oneself. It requires an inevitable return to origins, to the very essence of animal - to the impulse, either creative or destructive, though still vital. Because wisdom is unconsciously perceived by humans and by societies as a danger - a threat of a spiritual, emotional and physiological loss – to free oneself from it is the pillar of survival. Almost always violent and unexpected, the antithesis of moderation and prudence, this break ordinary expresses itself in tantrums, bouts of fever even at the price of inner loss. It is at in the heart of the act of rebellion and creation.
It is this current set of issues that the exhibition The dangers Of Wisdom proposes to explore, through a series of performances, a photography project and a site-specific installation in the course of the “Month of Performance Art Berlin 2012”

+Manual for Performers

By Following and Giving Instructions to Make a Performance

Excises performing and performance art and brainstorming ideas; each artist write instruction after performing, and pass to some other people, or maybe a stranger, who knows. The one who performs, will receive the instructions when the performance begins.

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